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Guwahati College has successfully completed 60 years of its glorious existence since 1964 and now in the Diamond Jubilee Year in 2024. Along with fulfilling the aspirations of the students in the Higher Secondary level, the College has three streams in the degree course- Arts, Science and Commerce. There are 18 departments with an adequate and excellent group of faculty members. Apart from the regular subjects and courses, the college has meaningfully imparted higher education to the aspiring students of North East India, specially the students of Assam. Read More
আজিৰ এই মুহূৰ্তটোৱে মোৰ কলেজীয়া জীৱনলৈ মনত পেলাই দিছে, কিয়নো সেইসময়ত সুকুমাৰ কলাৰ সম্পাদক ৰূপে আজি অনুস্থিত হোৱা অনুষ্ঠানৰ দৰে কিছু কাৰ্যসূচী অনুস্থিত কৰিছিলোঁ। প্ৰতিখন মহাবিদ্যালয়তে চিত্ৰ শিল্পৰ প্ৰতিভাসম্পন্ন ছাত্ৰ ছাত্ৰী থকাটো স্ৱভাৱিক কথা। সেয়ে আপোনালোকৰ মহাবিদ্যালয়ে শিল্পৰ উত্তৰোনৰ দিশত যি উল্লেখনীয় পদক্ষেপ হাতত ললে, এয়া সঁচাকৈয়ে প্ৰশংসনীয় লগতে মহাবিদ্যালয় চৌহদৰ চিৰসেউজ পৰিবেশেও মোক আকৃষ্ট কৰিলোঁ| দাদুল চলিহা (০৭-১১-১৯)
আজিৰ এই মুহূৰ্তটোৱে মোৰ কলেজীয়া জীৱনলৈ মনত পেলাই দিছে, কিয়নো সেইসময়ত সুকুমাৰ কলাৰ সম্পাদক ৰূপে আজি অনুস্থিত হোৱা অনুষ্ঠানৰ দৰে কিছু কাৰ্যসূচী অনুস্থিত কৰিছিলোঁ। প্ৰতিখন মহাবিদ্যালয়তে চিত্ৰ শিল্পৰ প্ৰতিভাসম্পন্ন ছাত্ৰ ছাত্ৰী থকাটো স্ৱভাৱিক কথা। সেয়ে আপোনালোকৰ মহাবিদ্যালয়ে শিল্পৰ উত্তৰোনৰ দিশত যি উল্লেখনীয় পদক্ষেপ হাতত ললে, এয়া সঁচাকৈয়ে প্ৰশংসনীয় লগতে মহাবিদ্যালয় চৌহদৰ চিৰসেউজ পৰিবেশেও মোক আকৃষ্ট কৰিলোঁ|
গুৱাহাটী মহাবিদ্যালয়ে সমকালিন চিত্ৰ কৰ্মৰ কৰ্মশালাৰে শিল্প (চিত্ৰ) সমুহৰ সংগ্ৰহ কৰি ৰখাৰ যি পদক্ষেপ লৈছে, সেয়া ভবিষ্যতৰ সুন্দৰ নিদৰ্শন হৈ ৰ'ব। ছাত্ৰ ছাত্ৰী সকলে সুকুমাৰ কলাৰ ৰসস্বাদন কৰিব পাৰিব। এদিন মহাবিদ্যালয়খনি এটি শিল্প কলাৰ অনুষ্ঠান হৈ উঠিব। শুভকামনাৰে শিৱপ্ৰসাদ মাৰাৰ (০৭-১১-১৯)
গুৱাহাটী মহাবিদ্যালয়ে সমকালিন চিত্ৰ কৰ্মৰ কৰ্মশালাৰে শিল্প (চিত্ৰ) সমুহৰ সংগ্ৰহ কৰি ৰখাৰ যি পদক্ষেপ লৈছে, সেয়া ভবিষ্যতৰ সুন্দৰ নিদৰ্শন হৈ ৰ'ব। ছাত্ৰ ছাত্ৰী সকলে সুকুমাৰ কলাৰ ৰসস্বাদন কৰিব পাৰিব। এদিন মহাবিদ্যালয়খনি এটি শিল্প কলাৰ অনুষ্ঠান হৈ উঠিব। শুভকামনাৰে
It is my second visit to the Guwahati College, a premiere College of the North East region. A visit to such a great institution is indeed a pilgrimage & I would be looking forward for the third visit. Mr. Dhirendra Nath Chakravarty, (92), Asia's Oldest functioning Editor(25-10-2019)
It is my second visit to the Guwahati College, a premiere College of the North East region. A visit to such a great institution is indeed a pilgrimage & I would be looking forward for the third visit.
It is a pleasure to visit this College once again for the third time. My experience in this College has been every time impressive and fruitful. This time I have noticed some visible developments in the College. Academically, todays' experience was unique - a lecture I have delivered before the students and teachers of English and Assamese, not only of the College but also of other colleges of this city and outside. A rare example of interdisciplinary academic association Prof. Dr. Gobinda Prasad Sarma, Former Professor of English, Gauhati University (22-10-2019)
It is a pleasure to visit this College once again for the third time. My experience in this College has been every time impressive and fruitful. This time I have noticed some visible developments in the College. Academically, todays' experience was unique - a lecture I have delivered before the students and teachers of English and Assamese, not only of the College but also of other colleges of this city and outside. A rare example of interdisciplinary academic association
I'm both honoured & delighted to be the Speaker on the occasion of the Commerce Day at Guwahati College today. Wonderful to see a packed hall with students as well as faculty members. Hope my deliberation would help students in finding interest in 'Branding', 'Marketing' and 'Communication, as when they go along learning management, commerce etc. Thanks to Dr. Pranab Sandilya, Principal of the College for his amazing hospitality along with his team. He seems to be a good leader under whom the College would reach newer heights. Gratitude & best wishes. Md. Anisul Hoque, Founder & Creative Head, Resonance Brand Communications (19-10-2019)
I'm both honoured & delighted to be the Speaker on the occasion of the Commerce Day at Guwahati College today. Wonderful to see a packed hall with students as well as faculty members. Hope my deliberation would help students in finding interest in 'Branding', 'Marketing' and 'Communication, as when they go along learning management, commerce etc. Thanks to Dr. Pranab Sandilya, Principal of the College for his amazing hospitality along with his team. He seems to be a good leader under whom the College would reach newer heights. Gratitude & best wishes.
Today was my memorable day. Visited this College and liked the atmosphere of the College with its excellent Staff and bright students. It was a wonderful time in the College. I must thank Dr. Pranab Sandilya the Principal of this college for whom it was my opportunity to visit today. My best wishes to Guwahati College always & in anticipation of visiting again. Mr. Anupam Deka, SRD Nutrients Pvt. Ltd., Mangaldai, Assam (19-08-2019)
Today was my memorable day. Visited this College and liked the atmosphere of the College with its excellent Staff and bright students. It was a wonderful time in the College. I must thank Dr. Pranab Sandilya the Principal of this college for whom it was my opportunity to visit today. My best wishes to Guwahati College always & in anticipation of visiting again.
Visited Dept. of Botany, Guwahati College to give an invited talk on RS in Natural Resource Management. It was a wonderful experience to meet all Staff of Botany Dept. and the Principal of the College. All Staff of the College is very friendly, energetic and eager to learn new things. NESAC will be happy to join hands in Human Resource Development with Guwahati College by taking up collaborative projects, training on space technology applications. Dr. K.K. Sarma, Scientist/ Engineer-SG, North Eastern Space Application Centre, Dept. of Space, Govt. of India, Umiam, Meghalaya (14-09-2018)
Visited Dept. of Botany, Guwahati College to give an invited talk on RS in Natural Resource Management. It was a wonderful experience to meet all Staff of Botany Dept. and the Principal of the College. All Staff of the College is very friendly, energetic and eager to learn new things. NESAC will be happy to join hands in Human Resource Development with Guwahati College by taking up collaborative projects, training on space technology applications.
I have visited Guwahati College for the first time as Mission Director, RUSA, Assam. I am very happy and grateful to the Principal of Guwahati College, Dr. Pranab Sandilya and his team for arranging the 4 day training programme on e-procurement on behalf of RUSA. This College has received grants under Infra-grants from RUSA and I have seen they are utilizing it satisfactorily. I wish the Principal of Guwahati College a very successful and fruitful tenure Madhurima Barua Sen, M.D., RUSA, Assam, Guwahati (16-05-2018)
I have visited Guwahati College for the first time as Mission Director, RUSA, Assam. I am very happy and grateful to the Principal of Guwahati College, Dr. Pranab Sandilya and his team for arranging the 4 day training programme on e-procurement on behalf of RUSA. This College has received grants under Infra-grants from RUSA and I have seen they are utilizing it satisfactorily. I wish the Principal of Guwahati College a very successful and fruitful tenure
Liked to see the developments in the college during the last few years. After the last two days' visit here, I found a major change in all the departments. Hope the Principal along with all the stakeholders will try hard to become one of the top colleges in Assam and also in the National Level. ALL THE BEST. Dr. Indira Bordoloi, Former Principal, Handique Girls' College, Guwahati (24-03-2018)
Liked to see the developments in the college during the last few years. After the last two days' visit here, I found a major change in all the departments. Hope the Principal along with all the stakeholders will try hard to become one of the top colleges in Assam and also in the National Level. ALL THE BEST.
I have visited Guwahati College on 23rd and 24th March 2018. I had also visited the College 10 years back. Now the College has improved a lot though more physical structures are yet to be developed. The Principal and the faculty members are actively involved for the overall development of the College. I am sure the College will be one of the notable colleges in near future. With all best wishes. Dr. Indra Kumar Bhattacharyya, Former Principal, Cotton College, Guwahati (24-03-2018)
I have visited Guwahati College on 23rd and 24th March 2018. I had also visited the College 10 years back. Now the College has improved a lot though more physical structures are yet to be developed. The Principal and the faculty members are actively involved for the overall development of the College. I am sure the College will be one of the notable colleges in near future. With all best wishes.
গুৱাহাটী মহাবিদ্যালয়খনৰ মহাবিদ্যালয় সপ্তাহৰ মুকলি সভালৈ আহি সচাঁকৈয়ে আপ্লুত হলো। মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ অধ্যক্ষ, উপাধ্যক্ষ কে আদি কৰি সমুহ প্ৰবক্তা আৰু ছাত্ৰ একতা সভাৰ সদস্যসকলৰ আন্তৰিকতা দেখি সুখী হলো। অধ্যক্ষ ডাঙৰীয়াৰ পৰাই মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ ছাত্ৰ ছাত্ৰী সকলৰ পাৰদৰ্শিতাৰ কথা শুনিও সুখী হলো। মহাবিদ্যালয়খনৰ উত্তৰোত্তৰ কামনা কৰিলো। মোৰ শুভকামনা আৰু শুভেচ্ছা থাকিল। অনিমা চৌধুৰী (০৩-০২-১৮)
গুৱাহাটী মহাবিদ্যালয়খনৰ মহাবিদ্যালয় সপ্তাহৰ মুকলি সভালৈ আহি সচাঁকৈয়ে আপ্লুত হলো। মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ অধ্যক্ষ, উপাধ্যক্ষ কে আদি কৰি সমুহ প্ৰবক্তা আৰু ছাত্ৰ একতা সভাৰ সদস্যসকলৰ আন্তৰিকতা দেখি সুখী হলো। অধ্যক্ষ ডাঙৰীয়াৰ পৰাই মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ ছাত্ৰ ছাত্ৰী সকলৰ পাৰদৰ্শিতাৰ কথা শুনিও সুখী হলো। মহাবিদ্যালয়খনৰ উত্তৰোত্তৰ কামনা কৰিলো। মোৰ শুভকামনা আৰু শুভেচ্ছা থাকিল।
I have been hearing about Guwahati College but I had the chance to see the inside today. The College has a lot of potential being located in the heart of the city. The Staff have been very cooperative and the students seem obedient. I thing after the completion of the building the College will really take off. The Principal has personally asked for advice - which is very rare and I think this is a positive side. When the leader is willing, the rest will follow. I wish the team a great future." Mr. Amiya Sharma, Executive Director, RGVN, Guwahati
I have been hearing about Guwahati College but I had the chance to see the inside today. The College has a lot of potential being located in the heart of the city. The Staff have been very cooperative and the students seem obedient. I thing after the completion of the building the College will really take off. The Principal has personally asked for advice - which is very rare and I think this is a positive side. When the leader is willing, the rest will follow. I wish the team a great future."
I am writing these few lines with great pleasure after making a visit to the College after around five years. I am delighted to see overall development not only in the infrastructure of the College but also I realized advancement in the academics as well. The present Principal is greatly engrossed in the development and I hope under his leadership the College will scale great heights in the academic scenario of the state vis a vis the country. Dr. Saibal Sengupta, Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati (16-12-2017)
I am writing these few lines with great pleasure after making a visit to the College after around five years. I am delighted to see overall development not only in the infrastructure of the College but also I realized advancement in the academics as well. The present Principal is greatly engrossed in the development and I hope under his leadership the College will scale great heights in the academic scenario of the state vis a vis the country.
This is my second visit to this wonderful College. But it is after nearly three decades. I am deeply impressed by the degree of commitment displayed by the teacher community under the able stewardship of the present Principal for the overall development of the College. I wish more success for the College in the times to come Mr. Mayur Bora, Writer & Critic, Guwahati (18-08-2017)
This is my second visit to this wonderful College. But it is after nearly three decades. I am deeply impressed by the degree of commitment displayed by the teacher community under the able stewardship of the present Principal for the overall development of the College. I wish more success for the College in the times to come
A privilege to visit Guwahati College. Much impressed by the faculty and students. Dr.Pranab Sandilya has added a new sense of dynamism to the College. Wish him and the faculty all success. Prof. Dr. Udayon Misra, Former Professor of English, Dibrugarh University (20-05-2017)
A privilege to visit Guwahati College. Much impressed by the faculty and students. Dr.Pranab Sandilya has added a new sense of dynamism to the College. Wish him and the faculty all success.
I came to know Assamese Culture and glad to receive. God bless. I hope you see me as a part of bridge between Guwahati College, Guwahati and Japan. Mizuki Fujita, Suzaku, Nara-shi, Nara, Japan (03-02-2017)
I came to know Assamese Culture and glad to receive. God bless. I hope you see me as a part of bridge between Guwahati College, Guwahati and Japan.
I visited the College suddenly without informing Principal. But I was pleasantly surprised that Principal is known to me whom I met at Sivasagar when he was teaching in a college. An energetic person. I hope he will bring a lot of changes to the college and improvement in all aspects will be seen within a short time. N.M. Hussain, IAS(Retd.), Chairman, Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (04-04-2014)
I visited the College suddenly without informing Principal. But I was pleasantly surprised that Principal is known to me whom I met at Sivasagar when he was teaching in a college. An energetic person. I hope he will bring a lot of changes to the college and improvement in all aspects will be seen within a short time.
The environment and infrastructure of Guwahati College is very congenial and good. The college has the potential and resources for developing into a centre for training/ research/ teaching in the field of Life Sciences/ Biotechnology. The Principal and his team are very much capable of doing this; their mission and vision are excellent. Dr. N.Senthil Kumar, Dept. of Biotechnology, Mizoram University, Aizawl (29-10-2013)
The environment and infrastructure of Guwahati College is very congenial and good. The college has the potential and resources for developing into a centre for training/ research/ teaching in the field of Life Sciences/ Biotechnology. The Principal and his team are very much capable of doing this; their mission and vision are excellent.
It was a wonderful experience to see so much of creative activity going on in the Guwahati College with so much zeal and involvement. The close involvement of the staff and dynamism of the Principal Dr.Pranab Sandilya was palpable and very very promising for the future, brilliant future of the College. Would like to come back again. Dr. Pawan Sharma, NER -BPMC / DBT, New Delhi (29-10-2013)
It was a wonderful experience to see so much of creative activity going on in the Guwahati College with so much zeal and involvement. The close involvement of the staff and dynamism of the Principal Dr.Pranab Sandilya was palpable and very very promising for the future, brilliant future of the College. Would like to come back again.
Came to Guwahati College to deliver a lecture on the Foundation Day in the Golden Jubilee Year. I am grateful to the Principal Dr. Pranab Sandilya and his bright faculty and students for having invited me to interact with the students and the faculty. Very impressed with the arrangements and commitment of all concerned in ensuring quality of various activities being undertaken. I congratulate the Guwahati College family on the auspicious occasion and wish everybody the very best for the future. Shri Bhaskar Jyoti Mahanta, IPS Additional Director General (Admn.) ASSAM POLICE (03-08-2013)
Came to Guwahati College to deliver a lecture on the Foundation Day in the Golden Jubilee Year. I am grateful to the Principal Dr. Pranab Sandilya and his bright faculty and students for having invited me to interact with the students and the faculty. Very impressed with the arrangements and commitment of all concerned in ensuring quality of various activities being undertaken. I congratulate the Guwahati College family on the auspicious occasion and wish everybody the very best for the future.
I am indeed very happy to be here in Guwahati College today. I wish that the College will soon become a 'Centre of Excellence'. Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma Minister, Education (Elementary, Secondary & Higher) Health & Family Welfare and Implementation of Assam Accord, Govt. of Assam (12-08-2013)
I am indeed very happy to be here in Guwahati College today. I wish that the College will soon become a 'Centre of Excellence'.
It is a great pleasure to be a part of the foundation day celebration and opening ceremony function of the College Gym. I also appreciate the enthusiasm shown by the Principal and professors of the College. I pray to God for popularity of the College. Mr. Munin Borah (Former Mr. INDIA) (03-8-2013)
It is a great pleasure to be a part of the foundation day celebration and opening ceremony function of the College Gym. I also appreciate the enthusiasm shown by the Principal and professors of the College. I pray to God for popularity of the College.
It was a privilege to visit and deliver a key-note address on "Employability of Graduates" on the occasion of Golden Jubilee Year of the College. The 50 years of services that the College have provided to the community is exemplary. I convey my good wishes to the faculty members of the College. Prof. Sudhanshu Bhushan NUEPA, New Delhi (16-06-2013)
It was a privilege to visit and deliver a key-note address on "Employability of Graduates" on the occasion of Golden Jubilee Year of the College. The 50 years of services that the College have provided to the community is exemplary. I convey my good wishes to the faculty members of the College.
Very happy to visit the College. We had very fruitfull discussion with the teachers for about four hours(3:00p.m-7:00p.m) and the teachers were present in the College beyond 7:00 p.m. This College has great future and would do well. My best wishes for the College. Prof. D.K. Medhi, Vice Chancellor Gauhati University
Very happy to visit the College. We had very fruitfull discussion with the teachers for about four hours(3:00p.m-7:00p.m) and the teachers were present in the College beyond 7:00 p.m. This College has great future and would do well. My best wishes for the College.
The venture of unearthing talents from students community is praiseworthy. I bless the administrative authority to pursue such schemes in future also. Dr. Bhaben Ch. Kalita, Professor, Dept.of Mathematics Gauhati University
The venture of unearthing talents from students community is praiseworthy. I bless the administrative authority to pursue such schemes in future also.
“We will take a series of programmes as a part of collaborative effort to develop the greater Jyotinagar area academically or otherwise.” -Mr. Priyabrata Lahkar. “The spiritual health of the present generation of the students has been drastically observed and found too much undisciplined. We will definitely raise our help and cooperation in guiding the Guwahati college students in this regard by giving some vedic tools and knowledge.” -Mr. Suren Bora.
“The college maintains a very conducive academic atmosphere. Support and cooperation of faculty members in co-curricular and extra curricular activities is remarkable.” -Hiramoni Thakuria “ The faculty members consistently motivate the students in their all round development. The infrastructure facilities have been developed significantly in the last few years. Efforts need to continue in this regard.” -Mamoni Devi.
I was fortunate to be a part of Guwahati College, as a student during the period 2019-2022. The college is well infrastructured with all the necessary facilities such as well equipped classrooms, laboratory with necessary equipments, library with a good collection of books, sports ground, canteen, students' common room etc. The college campus is big, clean and eco-friendly. The learned teachers are very supportive to the students and guide them in career planning besides academic aspects. I have learned a lot during this period and was able to secure a good academic result. - Nayana Haloi, Alumni, Guwahati College এজন প্ৰাক্তন জি. চিয়ান হিচাপে, যেতিয়াই কলেজৰ দিনলৈ ঘূৰি চাও, বিছাৰি পাওঁ কেৱল নষ্টালজীয়া আৰু বহু ভাল লগা অভিজ্ঞতা। কলেজ খনে মোক উচ্চ শিক্ষাৰ দিশত বহু সহায় কৰিছে, কলেজ খনৰ প্ৰত্যেকজন ছাৰ, বাইদেউৰ বন্ধু সুলভ আচৰণ,তথা তেওঁলোকৰ জ্ঞানৰ জ্যোতিৰে আমাক সকলোকে আলোকিত কৰিছে। অধ্যয়ন দিশৰ উপৰিও বিভিন্ন খেল ধেমালি, কলেজ- সপ্তাহ, বিজ্ঞান - ভিত্তিক অনুষ্ঠান বোৰে আমাক সম্পূৰ্ণ জ্ঞান আহৰণ কৰাত সহায় কৰিছিল। উদ্ভিদ - বিজ্ঞানৰ ছাত্ৰ হিচাপে,মই গুৱাহাটী কলেজৰ উদ্ভিদ বিজ্ঞান বিভাগৰ প্ৰতি চিৰ কৃতজ্ঞ হৈ ৰম। বিভাগৰ জিন্তু শৰ্মা ছাৰ , উমাকান্ত চাওঁৰা ছাৰ, মনালি বাইদেউ, প্ৰাক্তন মুৰব্বী অধ্যাপক মৃণাল ছাৰ আৰু শেষত বন্ধুবৰ্গৰ প্ৰতি আজীৱন ঋণী হৈ ৰম। তেওঁলোকৰ ,আমাক লৈ কৰা কষ্টৰ ফলস্বৰূপে আমি নিজ জীৱনত আগবাঢ়ি যাম , শেষত কলেজখনৰ উন্নতি, বিভাগৰ উন্নতি কামনা কৰিলো। - কুলদীপ কুমাৰ (প্ৰাত্তন ছাত্ৰ ২০১৯-২২ বৰ্ষ)
Garima Nath and Jugesh Kurmi, FYUGP 4th Semester Major students from the Department of Chemistry, secured the 2nd Best Award in the Inter-College Poster Competition organized by Pandu College on the occasion of National Science Day on 28.02.2025
MERI MAATI MERA DESH on 12.08.2023, Guwahati College
Exposure visit of CIPET's facilities on 17.5.2023 organized by Department of Chemistry, Guwahati College
Awarness Meeting for AIR Quality Improvement, Organized by Regional Office, Guwahati ,Pollution Control Board,Assam In collaboration with Aranyak,A Biodivercity & Research Organisation & Department of Economics and Department of Botany, Guwahati College
Celebration of International women’s day on 8th March,2022. An Interactive session on “Women and health” by Dr. Shakuntala Mahanta, Gynecologist, Namecare Hospital.
Community engagement program with Senior citizens.
Alumni Meet 2023
Guardians Meet
Teachers' Day 2022
On behalf of Guwahati College Dr. Pinky Baruah (Coordinator) proudly received the best College Eco Club prize for 2021-22 from Hon'ble Minister Shri Keshab Mahanta at Jorhat today, the 15th August 2022.
76th Independence Day celebrated at Guwahati College
75th Independence Day celebrated at Guwahati College
Plantation drive in Guwahati College on the occasion of World Environment Day on 5th June 2021.
Celebration of International Women's day on 8th March 2021.
Visit to Tezpur University by Teachers and Students of Dept. of Botany, Guwahati College on 1st March 2021.
Sanitization of Guwahati College on 25th April 2020 as a preventive measure against COVID-19
Celebration of International Womens Day on 8th March, 2020
1st Alumni Meet of Department of Zoology on 8th March, 2020
Celebration of National Science Day on 28 February, 2020
Observation of Bharat day on 24 February, 2020
Celebration of Matribhasa Diwas on 21 February, 2020
Art & Craft Exhibition
Winners of Gauhati University Inter college Taekwondo & Chess Tournament
Pariksha Pe Charcha 2.0