> RUSA 2.0 Sponsored Training on NAAC Preparedness and NEP 2020 Implementation in Colleges in Assam.
The Principal and the Faculty members of Guwahati College participated in the RUSA 2.0 Sponsored Training on NAAC Preparedness and NEP 2020 Implementation in Colleges in Assam, Kamrup Zone in Collaboration with HRDC GU held in LCB College on 1 March 2023.
> A workshop on NEP 2020 Implementation in Higher Education in Assam: Opportunities and Challenges
A workshop on NEP 2020 Implementation in Higher Education in Assam: Opportunities and Challenges was organized by the NEP Cell and IQAC on 14 march 2023. Prof. Parag Phukon was invited as the resource person for the workshop. Prof. Phukon explained the various factors related to NEP 2020 implementation. All the teaching staff of the college participated in the workshop and interacted with the resource person.